The Rock Wishes Scott Hall A Happy Birthday & Praises His Influence

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Dwayne The Rock Johnson took to Twitter to wish NWO Pioneer Scott Hall a very happy birthday. He took the time to call Scott an inspiration and said that he studied a lot of his work while training in Memphis. Unfortunately, The Rock and Scott Hall never got to work a major program together although they briefly crossed paths in 2002 and worked several Handicap and Six Man Tag matches together. Several parallels can be drawn between The Great One and The Bad Guy. Both men were very charismatic during their time in the ring, both tried to blurred lines between face and heel, with Scott arguably being a pioneer of that, and both could sell the hell out of a Stone Cold Stunner.:

I studied the fuck outta Scott’s work and while working for Jarret in Memphis, I watched his matches nightly back at my apt. Big influence on my work style. Happy Birthday Bad Guy ??

— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) October 21, 2018

On a personal note for me, Scott Hall is one of the major reasons that I am a fan in the first place. I’ve always been a fan his work as Razor Ramon with his 1995 SummerSlam Ladder Match against Shawn Michaels being my favorite match of all time, and it goes without saying the kind of impact that the New World Order had. I would also like to wish Scott a very happy birthday on behalf of myself on the entire WrestleZone team.
