Marion Sampras, Stella Sampras, Gus Sampras

May 2024 · 1 minute read

Petros Pete Sampras is a former world number one tennis player from the United States.

His professional career began in 1988 and ended with him winning the 2002 US Open, defeating longtime adversary Andre Agassi in the final.

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How many siblings does Pete Sampras have?

He has 3 siblings as of 2022.

Pete Sampras siblings: Marion Sampras, Stella Sampras, Gus Sampras

Marion Sampras, Stella Sampras,and Gus Sampras

Marion, his younger sister, is a teacher in Los Angeles.

Stella Sampras Webster, his older sister, is the women’s tennis head coach at UCLA and a former professional tennis player.

Gus, his older brother, was the tournament director for the ATP event in Scottsdale. Gus later became president of the firm, directing his commercial activities.

Does Pete Sampras share the same parents with his siblings?

Yes, he does currently. Sampras’s mother was born in Greece and his father was born in the United States to a Greek father and Jewish mother
