Adrenaline Unleashed Results: Daniels VS. Hardkore Kidd, More

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Report by Brett Buchanan

The Human Tornado defeated Hop Sing Lee in a very comedic match, the match was back and fourth and Tornado was very over with the crowd. Hop Sing Lee got some pretty good heat.

“XXX” Lawrence Tylor defeated Billy Kim in an OK match. Kim and Tylor’s styles didn’t really gel well together, but the match was alright, not horrible, but not memorable either.

Michelle Morgan defeated Hurricane Havana in a match that the fans didn’t seem to really care about. There was a segment beforehand that ended with Havana attacking Morgan, I didn’t really understand it because the speakers were way too loud.

Christopher Daniels defeated The Hardkore Kidd in a pretty good match. The Hardkore Kidd has really improved since his WWE release, and has gotten back to his 2002/2003 form. He really could be a star, but he has been very unlucky when it comes to injuries. Daniels was the babyface in the match, and they did a great job of making Daniels look like the underdog. Daniels won with a rollup in roughly 15 minutes.

Johnny Goodtime defeated Passion Hasegawa in a pretty good match. A lot of people were calling Goodtime X-Pac, including myself. Everyone was laughing at Hasegawa’s pink ring gear, calling him gay. This was a pretty good high flying match.

The Ballard Brother defeated Native Blood in a pretty long match. The Ballards continuously hugged during the beginning of the match. The Ballards left the ring a lot and there was one spot where Shane Ballard thought he was working on a member of Native Blood’s arm, but he was actually working on Shannon’s arm. The Ballards music played in the middle of the match, giving away that they’d win, but this match was very enjoyable.

“Dynamite” Davey Richards defeated “Old School” Oliver John in the main event. Davey Richards was outstanding in this match and really stole the show. In my opinion, Davey is the next AJ Styles. This was a great back and fourth match and Davey won with a rollup. After the match the Hardkore Kidd and El Jefe came out and the Hardkore Kidd offered to shake Davey’s hand, Kidd then attacked Davey to end the show.

Messiah no showed, which probably heavily hurt the booking of the show. I had a good time and I will go again next month. I recommend that you all go too. It was a tremendous show and every SoCal wrestling fan should check out the next one!
