Dak Draper Says Jonathan Gresham Match Encompasses Who He Is As A Wrestler, Shows His Range In 2/3 F

May 2024 · 2 minute read

 takes a look at what matches you should be watching while you’re at home and they come recommended by your favorite professional wrestling stars.

“I’d say [if] there’s one match that I think would encompass what I think I am as a pro wrestler now, [it] would be the Pure Rules match versus Jonathan Gresham for the Pure Championship at 19th Anniversary. But if there’s a match from pre-Ring of Honor, I’d say any match besides that,” he explained, “there was a match that I had in 2018 versus a guy named Jeremy Wyatt. It was in Kansas City, and it was a two-out-of-three falls match, I think it lasted like 40 minutes or something.”

“And with the two out of three falls, I feel like each fall, we [worked up to] so differently, that it just showed so many different styles. We showed technical style, we showed athleticism, and then it turned into later in the match, it got really hard-hitting. And I think this match, it’s available on YouTube, it’s Dak Draper vs. Jeremy Wyatt, two-out-of-three falls, Metro Pro. I think outside of my Ring of Honor matches, that match would really show the range that I have as a wrestler. And that was three years ago, and I’ve obviously grown a lot from there,” Draper said, “but it shows where my intention was at that point.”

You can check out some free-to-watch full-length matches from Draper’s career below, including the two out of three falls match against Wyatt:

ROH TV (Dark Match) — October 30, 2020

ROH Future Of Honor — October 26, 2018

Metro Pro Wrestling — May 19, 2018

NWL KC — October 13, 2017
