This $12 Viral Amazon Find Is a Game-Changer for Messy Face-Washers

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Somewhat ironically, cleansing your face can become a rather messy experience. After cleansing, I often find myself cleaning up — wiping down the sink, toweling down my arms, and, if whatever I’m wearing is in splashing range, firing up my hairdryer to nix errant moisture spots from my sleeves.

The concept of wearable wrist towels initially struck me as silly — not to mention superfluous, particularly given the scant storage space I have. I did, however, eventually try the trend, and have concluded that my skepticism is totally unwarranted. My updated stance: Wrist towels, like the Crosize Wrist Towels, are a genius idea, and they’re entirely worth the (minimal) real estate they occupy in my drawer, especially given how much they’ve improved my face-washing experience as a whole. And at $12 for a six-pack, it’s easy to see why hundreds of Amazon shoppers are obsessed. 


Shop now: $12;

The Crosize Wrist Towels are super-absorbent microfiber bands that are designed to prevent water, cleanser, and other skincare products from dripping down your arms while you’re washing your face. The bands are cozy, simple to use, and ultra-effective.

Worn like a scrunchie around each wrist, the towels are one-size-fits-all, thanks to the stretchy elastic-lined interior. The microfiber material, densely packed and incredibly soft, also boasts a speedier dry time than normal towels, per the brand. Incidentally, like any towel, the Crosize wrist towels are machine washable; simply toss in with the rest of your laundry when they become oversaturated with cleanser. 

I’d be remiss not to mention the absolute godsend these wrist towels have been for my biweekly self-tanning routine. If you’ve had a spray tan, or have tanned at home, you’ll know that moisture of any kind is a major no-no, lest you create visible water marks on your freshly-bronzed skin. I’ve marred far too many faux tans by way of cleanser dripping down my arms, which creates visible streaks. Prior to the wrist towels, I’d resigned myself to a cleanser-free eight hours during my tans’ development phase. These wrist towels have single handedly granted me the freedom to splash water on my face whenever I please, without worrying about the state of my tan.

Many shoppers, including one time-strapped mom, call the Crosize wrist towels a “game changer.” One reviewer, who’s been bothered by messy cleansing in the past, says the wrist towels solved the issue. They “work perfectly,” the shopper says, adding, “no more water or soap dripping down your arms.” 

Try the $14 face-cleansing addition you didn’t know you needed. The Crosize Wrist Towels will deliver your cleanest, driest face-cleansing experience yet. 
